

I once again feel the heavy mass in my chest weighing me down. Visibly protruding, it pulsates and oozes darkness, threatening to infect anyone who dares come near. Certainly the last thing I myself would ever want to do, but, then again, it's not like I ever had any semblance of control over its cruel gluttony. No sentience exists within its confines, only an unceasing hunger that consumes until all that fall upon its gaze has been extinguished. In many respects, it resembles a cancerous growth. The most curious aspect of cancer is that it is not at all a foreign body. They are all host cells, merely transformed. Of course, close examination can readily distinguish the normal from the truly abnormal (i.e. the truly destructive). However, unless one applies the most exquisite of scrutinies, the more insidious anomalies will often remain unseen. And there, in obscurity, they will remain, biding their time, festering, and always striking during some zenith of the host's complacency. An unfortunately familiar process.

And, so, what ought I do with this entity of most unendearment? Hmm... I guess I'll just blog about it.